
Constitution and By-laws

  1. ARTICLE I - The name of this organization shall be Shalimar 9-Hers Golf Association.

  2. ARTICLE II - The object of this organization is to establish uniform rules and regulations, as prescribed by the USGA Rules of Golf, for the orderly conduct of women's golfing activities at the Shalimar Golf Club.

  3. ARTICLE III - Association affairs shall be conducted by the elected officers of the club, which include the President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be termed the Executive Board.

  4. ARTICLE IV - One third (1/2) of the regular members present at a regular meeting shall constitute a quorum.

  5. ARTICLE V - This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the regular members present at any meeting of the organization, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been posted 14 days prior to the meeting.

  6. ARTICLE VI -Frequency of meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board.

  7. ARTICLE VII -There shall be one playing season each year, to run from September to May.

  8. ARTICLE VIII -Membership in this organization shall be composed of women with computerized handicaps, which are established after five games played at Shalimar.

  9. ARTICLE IX - Duties of the officers, who shall constitute the Executive Board, are as follows and the term of office is for two years and may be repeated as many times as needed.

    A. The President shall be chairman of the Executive Board and shall preside at and call all meetings of the Club, and shall appoint such special committees as are needed for the functioning of the club.

    B. The vice-president shall act as an assistant to the President, and in the President's absence shall preside at all meetings. She shall serve as Play of the Day Chairwoman. She will also keep records of putts, birdies, quackers (chip-ins) and ringers.

    C. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and conduct the correspondence. She shall also send cards to members at the time of illness, etc.

    D. The Treasurer shall receive all money for the Club, and keep records of Club membership and an itemized account of all financial transactions. She shall handle all disbursements for the club and sign checks for the Association. She shall render a financial report at meetings.

    The following Chairwomen shall be appointed by the President:

    1. The Handicap Chairwoman shall record and forward scores to Handicomp for the processing of handicaps.

    2. A tournament Chairwoman shall be appointed for each tournament sponsored by the club.

  10. ARTICLE X - Dues are set by the Executive Board, payable for the coming season beginning in May. If, at the start of our season, a member is unable to play, a partial refund will be made. Any member whose dues are not paid in advance of a major tournament will be ineligible to participate in that tournament. The Executive Board will be allowed to rule on an emergency situation.

    A. Dues are $40 per year.

    B. Dues entitle members to participate in all women's golf activities.

  11. MEMBERSHIP FORMS ... Click here for a membership form

  12. ARTICLE XI - A nominating Committee of three (3) members shall be appointed by the President.

    A. It shall be the duty of this committee to report a slate of candidates for officers of the club and post same.

  13. ARTICLE XII - The election of officers shall be held at the regular spring meeting. The slate of candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee may be supplemented by nominations from the floor preceding the elections of each officer. Nominee must have previously consented to serve.

    A. The election of officers may be made in voice vote unless there are two (2) or more candidates for the office.

    B. The election of officers must be by written ballot if there are two or more candidates for the office.

  14. ARTICLE XIII - Tournaments and weekly competition: ..... scorecards

    1. All members in good standing with established handicaps are eligible for weekly Play of the Day. Pay out explanation is that there must be 6 or more golfers in your flight to pay 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If there is only 4 or 5 golfers in your flight then only 1st and 2nd place will earn money. If there is only 3 golfers in your flight then only 1st will earn play of the day money.

    2. Passed on Oct. 28, 2015 ... You need to be at the clubhouse 15 minutes before you tee off. If your group has already teed off, (you are late) you must play in a later group as you will not be playing with your group unless you are there on time and teeing off together.

    3. Tournament entrants must have dues paid. Members who have an established handicap from January of the previous year and have golfed five games since that time, are eligible to compete in tournaments.

    4. To play in the match play travel league, you need to have paid your dues, have a Shalimar handicap which is obtained after you play with a member for 5 games, and play once a month with the club on their league play day, Wednesday.

Call the Golf Shop, 480-838-0488
Last Updated: July 14, 2019